- #Pokemon reborn byxbysion wasteland full#
- #Pokemon reborn byxbysion wasteland series#
- #Pokemon reborn byxbysion wasteland mac#
You can choose to play as a non-binary protagonist, as well.
Ambiguous Gender: Adrienn the fairy gym leader, who does not identify as male or female also, ZEL. Dresses like a punk girl and loves throwing out innuendos such as calling himself a princess and you his prince (regardless of your gender). The first female protagonist's official name is also Alice. Alice Allusion: Luna, the Dark-Type Gym Leader, has her Pokémon nicknamed after Alice In Wonderland characters. #Pokemon reborn byxbysion wasteland mac#
It is revealed by Solaris that at least one of the doors was built by a civilization where Reborn now resides to enshrine where Arceus fell to earth and is sealed by the four respective stones in the form of jewelry, which later become the main Mac Guffins for the ongoing plot. Similarly, The colors Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, and Amethyst also seem to appear everywhere.
Arc Symbol: A circle surrounded by 4 rectangles resembling the wheel on Arceus's back appear almost everywhere in the game including a host of doors that cannot be opened.
Due to all Pokémon disobeying you if they're overleveled, a very cheap item that drops a Pokémon level by 1 is available not long after the start of the game.
#Pokemon reborn byxbysion wasteland series#
After completing a series of events that involves traverses a huge field and a puzzle involving Tauros and Boufflant, eventually you can speak to one of the former and get a time saving instant bypass from one side to the other.
#Pokemon reborn byxbysion wasteland full#
Anti-Frustration Features: Starting with Episode 15, it's possible to re-battle the Trainers found at the start of the game (with constantly scaling teams full of mons that give out ample experience) over and over again. Come Eclipse's betrayal, take a wild guess what happens. Team Meteor Commander Sirius has a Chandelure. Ascended Fridge Horror: In the canonical Pokédex, it is said that Chandelure can burn away a person's soul with its flames. Thus far, Corey, Kiki, Tara, Eclipse, and Ame have all perished. They're far stronger than you'd ever expect at that point in the game, with teams and strategies straight out of the Competitive Multiplayer environment. Moreover, there are some absurdly powerful bosses almost coming out of nowhere. For example, a level cap is enforced by the badge system in a much more strict manner, in that you aren't allowed to Level Grind past every leader or the overlevelled team members begin to disobey you. It's also mind-bendingly difficult, at least in relation to the canon games. The game is notable for having a mature story compared to the main Pokémon series, with a terrorist attack happening right in the intro. Enter our protagonist, a new Trainer hoping to take on the Reborn League who finds themself caught up in much, much more. What's more, the local villainous team already has the region in their clutches. In Reborn City, Pokémon are scarce, the lake has more poison than water, plant life consumes whole wards quickly and without warning, and the population rarely ventures outside of the city.
The story takes place in a world struggling with the aftermath of an environmental disaster.